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Mass Communication and Journalism Education in Chandigarh
Mass Communication courses in Chandigarh involves a plethora of works such as news reading, broadcasting, photography, editing, writing and reporting. The graduates of Journalism and Mass Communication programs in Chandigarh works in a variety of fields in news media and publishing, public relations and research institutes.
The colleges are not only limited to degree courses in mass communication, but also offers certificate or diploma program of 1 year to 18 months with specialization in various fields of PR, journalism, marketing and advertising.
Some of the reputed universities, institutes and colleges offering mass communication courses are School of Communication Studies, Panjab University, MCM DAV College For Women, Chitkara University, Post Graduate Government College for Girls, New Cambridge College and so many others.
To know about National Level Entrance Exams in Mass Communication, click here
Admission to mass Communication courses in Chandigarh are done by various national and state level entrance exams consisting of a MCQ GK paper, essays and news stories to compose test the writing style of a student.
To know about Mass Communication education and entrance exams all over India,click here